Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Little Monkey

We have had an activity filled Halloween! Tuesday night, we dressed Carter in his monkey costume and went to Boo at the Zoo in Little Rock. I just had to let him wear the costume more than one day...too cute to waste on just one night! He had a pretty good time, but it was really too old for him. He did enjoy looking at all of the costumes and flashing lights...but I think that Donaven and I probably enjoyed it more than he did. I really think he will enjoy it next year, so we will try again!

Today, I took him to daycare in his costume...there were several of the babies that were dressed up in his class, so it was so cute to see all of them. There were lots of butterflies, bees, etc. I have always thought that babies dressed as monkeys were cute, but I didn't just pick it because I liked it...promise. He just seems to love monkeys. From the time that he was a little baby, he has always seemed to like them. My Aunt Connie gave him a little monkey that makes the "oo-oo-a-a" sound when you press his belly when he was like 2-3 months old, and he has always thought it was funny. I also bought him a hand puppet that is a monkey, and he obviously prefers it! So he HAD to be a monkey...and he has not minded his costume at all fact, he will look at himself in the mirror and talk and smile at himself when he has it on. I am glad that he liked it.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Finally feeling better

So on Saturday when I said I was looking forward to a nice Sunday, I felt a little twinge in my stomach thinking, "I shouldn't say that". Little did I know that the twinge in my stomach was the friendly stomach virus. Everyone, except one little person who will remain nameless since I don't even want to say it out loud as I fear it will happen, has gotten the stomach virus in our household. Today, though, we are all feeling so much better. Yesterday was my normal "day off" from work, so Carter and I stayed home all day and played. He keeps doing new stuff every day, so I had a fun time seeing what I could teach him. Here are some pictures from yesterday and this afternoon with Amy. Carter loves his Amy, as you can tell. I also wanted to post some pictures that showed off his front teeth. He has started to squint his nose when he smiles, and it is so funny!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Nice Weekend

This has been such a nice weekend. We have finally just had time to relax, which is nice. Last night, we went to the Bryant High football game. It was really exciting because both Bryant and Cabot were undefeated...and we won! I have not been able to go to any of the high school games this year, so it was fun! Carter did not have as much fun as I did. He was a little scared of all the yelling and excitement...although he got a little more used to it. It has been funny to watch his personality emerge. Right now, he is really not like me or Donaven...he has his own little unique way! He has been sick the last couple of days, so he has been a little grumpy, but thankfully he is getting back to his self and is sleeping a lot better. We have actually both been pretty sick, but I'm feeling a lot better now too!

Today, we have had a very lazy day. We had a chance to take a nap and then do a little shopping tonight. I look forward to a nice Sunday tomorrow...and then back to work on Monday!

I have some pictures to add, but for some reason I am not able to upload them. I will try again tomorrow.