Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, September 28, 2007

9 Months Old Today

Today is Carter's nine-month birthday. I know this is what everyone says, but I truly can't believe how much he has changed from December 28, 2006 to September 28, 2007. As of today, he has four teeth (two top and two bottom) and he is able to crawl like a little wild man, pull up on anything that is or is not standing still, dance, occasionally get up the nerve to try to take a one-handed step, and say "ba" for ball (without me even asking him to)! Donaven will never admit this because he says that he doesn't want to pressure him to do sports, but I know that deep down that inner coach is doing a touchdown dance because his little boy is showing interest in football! However, as an aside note...Carter may not be able to say it, but at this time, he is equally interested in shaking his little pom-poms, which is very entertaining.

Here are some nine month pictures that Amy and I took this afternoon.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Joining in

I have had so much fun reading so many blogs lately, that I have decided that I should start one too. I am not great at keeping up with this kind of stuff, but hopefully I can stay on track and update at least a few more times before Carter turns 1! Here are some pictures of Carter in the last month. He will be nine months old this week (on the 28th). It is so hard to believe how time has flown by.

Carter at his first Bryant Ballgame. Go Hornets!
Carter has learned the how to pull up and cruise on just about anything. Here is a picture of one of his first locations to conquer.

Carter loves being outside. Here he is at my parent's house in his new swing...which he LOVES!

Another picture of Carter and I at the ballgame cheering Daddy on!
Thanks to Aunt Amy for always remembering her camera.